Decision Requirements

Response data for POST /api/v1.0/decision contain satisfied_requirements and unsatisfied_requirements properties with list of requirements.

Satisfied requirements may contain:

  • passed test results

  • waived unsatisfied requirements

  • other satisfied requirements

Unsatisfied requirements contain:

  • failed test results

  • missing/incomplete tests results

  • other unsatisfied requirements (mainly related to remote rule file)

Each item in the list contains type property indicating type of the requirement.

Unsatisfied requirements containing testcase property can be waived (using this value in a new waiver).

Requirements related to an existing result contain result_id attribute that refers to the result ID in ResultsDB, and also scenario, system_architecture and system_variant from the result data.

See Examples to get an idea about the data of various requirements.

See Code Examples for Python code examples for extracting and using the data.


Passed test result

This satisfied requirement is created if a required test result for a requested subject is found in ResultsDB and the outcome is PASSED or INFO (this can be overridden by OUTCOMES_PASSED Greenwave configuration).

    "type": "test-result-passed",
    "testcase": "",
    "subject_type": "koji-build",
    "subject_identifier": "nethack-1.2.3-1.rawhide",
    "result_id": 1001

Missing test result

This unsatisfied requirement is created if a required test result for a requested subject is either not found in ResultsDB, or is found and the latest outcome is QUEUED or RUNNING (this can be overridden by OUTCOMES_INCOMPLETE Greenwave configuration).

    "type": "test-result-missing",
    "testcase": "",
    "subject_type": "koji-build",
    "subject_identifier": "nethack-1.2.3-1.rawhide",
    "scenario": null

Unsatisfied requirement for an incomplete result would be indicated by additional attributes from the queued/running result data:

    "type": "test-result-missing",
    "testcase": "",
    "subject_type": "koji-build",
    "subject_identifier": "nethack-1.2.3-1.rawhide",
    "result_id": 1004,
    "scenario": null,
    "system_architecture": null,
    "system_variant": null

Failed test result

This unsatisfied requirement is created if a required test result for a requested subject is found in ResultsDB and is not classified as Passed test result, Missing test result nor Error test result.

    "type": "test-result-failed",
    "testcase": "",
    "result_id": 1002,
    "subject_type": "koji-build",
    "subject_identifier": "nethack-1.2.3-1.rawhide",
    "scenario": null

Error test result

This unsatisfied requirement is created if a required test result for a requested subject is found in ResultsDB and the latest outcome is ERROR.

This indicates that test case run was not finished properly.

    "type": "test-result-errored",
    "testcase": "",
    "result_id": 1003,
    "error_reason": "CI system out of memory",
    "subject_type": "koji-build",
    "subject_identifier": "nethack-1.2.3-1.rawhide",
    "scenario": null

Invalid remote rule

This unsatisfied requirement is created if an existing remote rule file has invalid syntax or an attribute is missing or has a bad value.

To waive this, use the test case name “invalid-gating-yaml”.

    "type": "invalid-gating-yaml",
    "testcase": "invalid-gating-yaml",
    "subject_type": "koji-build",
    "subject_identifier": "nethack-1.2.3-1.rawhide",
    "details": "Policy 'test': Attribute 'rules': YAML object !RemoteRule: Attribute 'required': Expected a boolean value, got: 1"

Missing remote rule

This unsatisfied requirement is created if the requested policy contains a RemoteRule with required attribute set to true but the remote file is missing.

To waive this, use test case name “missing-gating-yaml”.

    "type": "missing-gating-yaml",
    "testcase": "missing-gating-yaml",
    "subject_type": "koji-build",
    "subject_identifier": "nethack-1.2.3-1.rawhide",
    "scenario": null

Waived failed test result

    "type": "test-result-failed-waived",
    "testcase": "",
    "subject_type": "koji-build",
    "subject_identifier": "nethack-1.2.3-1.rawhide",
    "result_id": 1002,
    "waiver_id": 123,
    "scenario": null

Waived missing test result

    "type": "test-result-missing-waived",
    "testcase": "",
    "subject_type": "koji-build",
    "subject_identifier": "nethack-1.2.3-1.rawhide",
    "waiver_id": 123,
    "scenario": null

Waived errored test result

    "type": "test-result-errored-waived",
    "testcase": "",
    "subject_type": "koji-build",
    "subject_identifier": "nethack-1.2.3-1.rawhide",
    "result_id": 1003,
    "waiver_id": 123,
    "error_reason": "CI system out of memory",
    "scenario": null

Excluded package

This satisfied requirement is created if an package is excluded from a policy.

For example, requested Koji build “python2-flask-1.0.2-1.rawhide” is excluded if a policy has excluded_packages attribute containing python2-*.

    "type": "excluded",
    "subject_identifier": "python2-flask-1.0.2-1.rawhide",

Fetched remote rule

If the requested policy contains a RemoteRule and the remote rule file is found and successfully retrieved, a satisfied requirement is created.

    "type": "fetched-gating-yaml",
    "testcase": "fetched-gating-yaml",
    "source": "",
    "subject_identifier": "bash-4.4.20-1.el8_4",
    "subject_type": "koji_build"

Code Examples

Below are Python code snippets for working with specific requirement types.

Retrieve decision from Greenwave using Requests Python library:

import requests

decision = response.json()

satisfied = decision["satisfied_requirements"]
unsatisfied = decision["unsatisfied_requirements"]


The above code does not handle intermittent network issues. Normally, you would want to use requests session which can retry on a failure.

Passed test results are stored in the satisfied_requirements list and have test-result-passed type.

passed = [
    for req in satisfied
    if req["type"] == "test-result-passed"
if passed:
    for req in passed:
        subject_id = req["subject_identifier"]
        subject_type = req["subject_type"]
        print(f'  {req["testcase"]} ({subject_id} {subject_type})')

Waived requirements have type ending with “-waived”:

  • test-result-failed-waived

  • test-result-errored-waived

  • test-result-missing-waived

  • invalid-gating-yaml-waived

  • missing-gating-yaml-waived

  • failed-fetch-gating-yaml-waived

  • other types (can be extended in the future)

waived = [
    for req in satisfied
    if req["type"].endswith("-waived")
if waived:
    for req in waived:
        print(f'  {req["testcase"]} ({req["type"]})')

Other satisfied requirements types:

  • fetched-gating-yaml

  • excluded (from excluded_packages in a policy)

  • other types (can be extended in the future)

other_satisfied = [
    for req in satisfied
    if req not in waived and req not in passed
if other_satisfied:
    print("Passed (not test cases):")
    for req in other_satisfied:
        if req["type"] == "fetched-gating-yaml":
            print(f'  Fetched {req["source"]}')
            print(f'  {req["type"]}: {json.dumps(req)}')

Missing/incomplete test results have test-result-missing type.

missing = [
    for req in unsatisfied
    if req["type"] == "test-result-missing"
if missing:
    for req in missing:
        subject_id = req["subject_identifier"]
        subject_type = req["subject_type"]
        print(f'  {req["testcase"]} ({subject_id} {subject_type})')

Failed tests results have test-result-failed or test-result-errored type.

failed = [
    for req in unsatisfied
    if req["type"] in ("test-result-failed", "test-result-errored")
for req in failed:
    subject_id = req["subject_identifier"]
    subject_type = req["subject_type"]
    print(f'Failed: {req["testcase"]} ({subject_id} {subject_type})')

Other unsatisfied requirement types:

  • invalid-gating-yaml

  • missing-gating-yaml

  • failed-fetch-gating-yaml

  • other types (can be extended in the future)

other_failed = [
    for req in unsatisfied
    if req not in failed and req not in missing
if other_failed:
    print("Failed (not test cases):")
    for req in other_failed:
        print(f'  {req["testcase"]} ({req["type"]})')

Unsatisfied requirements containing testcase property can be waived.

waivable = [
    for req in unsatisfied
    if "testcase" in req

We can print a command to create waivers but user needs to provide product version (same as in the decision request) and a comment (reason for the waiver).

waiver_data = [
        "subject_identifier": req["subject_identifier"]
        "subject_type": req["subject_type"]
        "testcase": req["testcase"],
        "scenario": req.get("scenario"),
        "waived": True,
        "product_version": PRODUCT_VERSION,
        "comment": COMMENT,
    for req in waivable
if waiver_data:
    payload = json.dumps(waiver_data, indent=2)
    print('Waive failed (ensure "product_version" and "comment" is correct):')
    print(f"curl --negotiate -u: {WAIVERDB_URL} -d @- <<EOF")