Docker-compose for Greenwave ============================ To run functional tests or verify interoperability with ResultsDB and WaiverDB services, you can use ``podman-compose`` (or ``docker-compose``) to run the services in a containerized environment. Install ``podman-compose`` either using ``pip`` or from a package: .. code-block:: console sudo dnf install podman-compose Makefile and ``make`` commands are used here to simplify setting up the development containers. Build the container image: .. code-block:: console make build Start the containers: .. code-block:: console make up If there are any problems setting up the message bus, start the containers without messaging support: .. code-block:: console GREENWAVE_LISTENERS=0 make up Verify that containers are running: .. code-block:: console podman ps Check logs if needed: .. code-block:: console podman logs greenwave_greenwave_1 Run unit and functional tests: .. code-block:: console make test Run a specific test: .. code-block:: console make test ARGS="-vv -x greenwave/tests/ -k test_remote_rule Stop the containers: .. code-block:: console make down The Greenwave container is restarted automatically if the code changes. Sometimes this can fail due to syntax errors or bugs in the code. In such case restart the container with: .. code-block:: console podman restart greenwave_greenwave_1 You could encounter the following error when executing the application or tests: .. code-block:: console ImportError while loading conftest '/code/'. py._path.local.LocalPath.ImportMismatchError: ('conftest', '/home/user/proj/greenwave/', local('/code/')) To resolve this, remove old generated ``*.pyc`` files in the project directory: .. code-block:: console find -name '*.pyc' -delete See the `docker-compose reference`_ for a full description. .. _docker-compose reference: